Monday, June 2, 2008

Can dermatologist cure acne and how long does yaz take clear acne

Shaving is a daily routine for most men and for acne prone men it is no different. However men who suffer from acne need to take more care when shaving. If the skin is cut on a regular basis or certain acne lesions are nicked whilst shaving, facial scaring can occur. It is essential that men with acne take special care when carrying out this task. If you have to shave, try to soften the whiskers prior to shaving with a blade. Apply a moist, hot face cloth to the face prior to shaving. This will help to make the hair supple and easier for the razor blade to cut them smoothly. If you are shaving with an electric razor ensure you clean the heads and blades on a regular basis. Germs and infected skin will remain in the heads and as you shave you will be re-infecting yourself daily.
Acne is not just about some nasty bacterial infections and medical treatments. You are basically wasting your hard-earned money on products that don't work on acne if you don't know what really works. I can tell you from my first hand experience with most of the top and most expensive products that are heavily advertised on the TV, magazines and radio ads are mostly not really that effective. This article will show you how to treat acne without needing to use anything expensive.
Due to acne, I think I spent more time washing my face in my teenage years than enjoying the youth. I remember I used to wash my face minimum of 3 times a day with good skin cleanser prescribed by my doctor. Acne can cause serious inferiority complex. Trust me, I know about that... But thanks to my incline towards eastern cultures it helped me a lot. I found something which can help anyone a lot.
tags: how do i clear my acne without medication, cell food silica for acne, how do i get rid of acne on my ass

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