Thursday, October 2, 2008

Dermotology types of acne

« ...If blackheads have already occurred, it is best to make use of products that are specifically designed to remove them. As tempting as it might be, don't ever use tweezers, fingernails or other physical methods to pluck them out. All these actions can cause permanent scars to occur....
...If you are suffering from acne and have tried too many products to name, you may want to ask yourself some of these questions - Are you using the right acne products? Are the products suitable for your skin type? Do you have a skin care routine? If you are serious about getting rid of your acne, you should put a treatment system in place. A system will ensure that you are using products that compliment each other to improve your skin condition and it will also help to maintain your skin to be blemish free....»
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«...You see, acne has two primary causes. The first cause is an inflammation of your hormones. The second is actually very related to the first. It's the foods that cause you to have these unbalanced hormones. Knowing this now you can take steps to fix this hormonal problem and take care of some of the foods that may be causing it. You see, some foods cause hormonal imbalances and other foods actually fix this problem. Eating more of the good foods can really help you out....»
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tags: best food for acne treatment, best over the counter acne scar treatment, home remedy face scrubs for acne

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