Thursday, July 3, 2008

Secret food cures wilen acne and best kind of acid peel for acne marks

Water an essential ingredient in life can work wonders for your skin. You can boil it then steam your face to open your pores and you can drink more water to help clean your body from the inside out. Honey and fruits can have wonderful antibacterial properties which can help clean up your mug. These wonders are provided by Mother Nature herself without all the hype and hoopla.
What I found was that certain foods cause imbalance of hormones and this causes acne. So in a sense, food was the cause of acne. And the cure...
However, the best option is to start immediate treatment and stop scars to be deepen and disfiguring. The more effective method of healing is through simple home remedies. If scars have already very deep then one should seek the help of a dermatologist instead of treating it with home remedies. One should immediately start the treatment and avoid the chronicle condition of the skin.
tags: what is the best laser treatment for acne scars, top rated acne treatments, acne best care skin treatment

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